Board meetings can take a long duration, and will require you spend the majority of time taking notes or analyzing them. Based on the way you conduct your board meetings, it is possible that there is little time for making decisions.

Making the most of your board meetings requires organization and discipline. This includes preparing an agenda, setting the location for meetings, and then disseminating relevant materials prior to the meeting. This allows your board members to prepare for the meeting, research opinions and ask questions. Then, when the discussion begins, they will arrive with a good amount of knowing and confidence that they are contributing to the end result.

The process of running a board meeting begins by introducing the officer to the attendees. The chair then addresses new, old and other business in a chronological order. Old business includes items that the board has previously discussed and approved or decided against. New business is comprised of things the board hasn’t discussed and is considering for approval. Other business includes unscheduled items like appointing committees and announcing director appointments.

After the discussion, the chairman puts each motion on the table for a vote. This includes changing the articles of incorporation, approving certain transactions, and ratifying the decisions taken by directors. This includes deciding on strategies, and the approval of action plans. It is useful to establish KPIs that align with the company’s objectives and measurable to assist your board in deciding on its strategy. These KPIs can later be used to measure the effectiveness of the strategies your board is considering.